Saturday, October 12, 2013

October Happenings

What's Cookin'

Math: Patterns
Science: Fairy Tales
Letter: Ss
Religion: Jacob
Kid Writing: 2 sentences

Practice stretching words!  You might see your child stretching sight words.  We pretend to use rubber bands to stretch words apart.   For each letter they pull the rubber band apart a little further.

Many of us are almost ready to read and guided reading will begin soon!  You will still review sight words once a night but your child will also bring home a book to read to you!  You will return the book each day and a new book will come home.  All of these books have been purchased by me personally to help student's reading skills.  Please take care of them and make sure they return in your child's folder.   Thanks so much in advance!   You will see that I will write in your child's folder their reading accuracy.   Every few days they will read the story by themselves and I will do a running record on them.  A running record shows me high frequency errors as well as their reading accracy.  I will send home a chart so you know how they are reading.  Students are in groups according to like ability levels.  If your child gets stuck on a word encourage them to stretch the word...look for chunks (sight words or secret stories).  Refer to their guided reading workbook front page for reading strategy friends.

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