Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Last week of September!

We have been very busy learning!  Here is a look at some of the activities we have done since last week!

Learning Letters
We have been practicing writing our letters in a variety of ways.  We used shaving cream and water on chalkboards to work on our fine motor skills.  We also practice writing our letters on paper.

Here the kiddos are using water on chalkboards to form the letters.


This week we continued to work on the numbers 0-5 and we learned how to graph! They sorted M & M's by color (we will be learning more about sorting next week) and they graphed how many M & M's they had of each color. Then they got to eat them when they were done!

                                                   Hunter coloring in his graph

   Violet counting her brown M & M's

Brooklyn working on sorting her M & M's by color

We practiced writing our numbers correctly and counting by using Skittles!  First they sorted their Skittles by color and then they had to count how many of color they had and write it on their mini chalkboards!

Brooklyn counting her red Skittles

Hunter counting his orange Skittles

Violet counting her brown Skittle and writing the number on her board

Sunday, September 16, 2012

One-to-One Correspondence and Numbers 1-4

This week in math we learned about one-to-one correspondence. The students used pieces of yarn to match each dog with a bone. We discussed why the last dog had no bone and which group had more and which had less.

We also began learning about the numbers 1-5.  To practice recognizing the numbers, we jumped to the numbers I called out.

What's Cookin This Week
Math: Sorting
Letter: T
Science: Apples
Sight Words: To, too, the

Sight Words we have learned so far:

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kindergarten Common Core

Currently we use Pennsylvania State Standards to determine what kindergartners need to know by the end of the year.  Eventually we will we switching to Common Core Standards...which means every kindergartner in the U.S. will be learning the same things, no matter which state they live in.  

In preparation for this change, I have just found an awesome resource available to kindergarten teachers to help implement common core standards!  It is full of 600 pages of resources to use to cover all math and language arts common core standards!!  Check out the Kindergarten Common Core resource.  I love the colorful designs and the activities can be used for centers, small groups, or whole group instruction!!  What a wonderful resource :)

If you are a blogger and would like to enter this giveaway, click Here for this awesome resource for kindergarten teachers.

Parents!  Check back later tonight for an update on what we learned/did this week!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Handwriting & Grandparents Day

We have begun to learn how to correctly write the letters of the alphabet.  We will be learning 1 letter each week.  Last week we learned about the letter 'Ll'.  We practiced writing them with sand and paint.  Here are a few pictures of the kiddos in action.

Practicing letters in our name with sand

Using paint in bags to practice writing letters

We were so excited to have grandparents visit us on Friday!  Thank you grandparents for taking the time to come to mass and eat lunch with us!  The students LOVED making their gifts for you and I hope you enjoyed them :)  Here they are working hard on their gifts!

Hunter finishing up his picture

Adding "Love Carl"

Violet working on her picture.
What's Cookin' This Week?
Letter: T
Sight words: The, too, to
Math: Sorting
Science: Apples
*Don't forgot, we have started nightly homework for guided reading!!  More to come later this week about guided reading... stay tuned :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Our First Week

Kid Writing!

We have started kid writing!! It is very important for children to begin writing at an early age.  Children stretch out words and write any sounds they hear. After students have finished their writing they draw their picture. I underwrite for the students during this time. Underwriting allows me to work one-on-one with students for a mini lesson.   It also allows me to introduce topics as students are ready/prepared to learn about them.  We will use paper with boxes until students understand more about spacing between words. For now, students know each box gets a separate word.

Carl hard at work!!

Violet working on her sentence!

Hunter stretching out a word!

All done with her sentence and working on her picture!
* Don't forget about Grandparents Day on Friday!  Grandparents are invited to join us at mass at 10:30 followed by a turkey meal.  Yum!!  Our class will be making a surprise to give to their grandparents!