Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Last week of September!

We have been very busy learning!  Here is a look at some of the activities we have done since last week!

Learning Letters
We have been practicing writing our letters in a variety of ways.  We used shaving cream and water on chalkboards to work on our fine motor skills.  We also practice writing our letters on paper.

Here the kiddos are using water on chalkboards to form the letters.


This week we continued to work on the numbers 0-5 and we learned how to graph! They sorted M & M's by color (we will be learning more about sorting next week) and they graphed how many M & M's they had of each color. Then they got to eat them when they were done!

                                                   Hunter coloring in his graph

   Violet counting her brown M & M's

Brooklyn working on sorting her M & M's by color

We practiced writing our numbers correctly and counting by using Skittles!  First they sorted their Skittles by color and then they had to count how many of color they had and write it on their mini chalkboards!

Brooklyn counting her red Skittles

Hunter counting his orange Skittles

Violet counting her brown Skittle and writing the number on her board

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