Saturday, January 25, 2014

Last week of January

What's Cookin'

Math: money
Letter: y
Sight word: you
Religion:  Thankfulness to God

Pictures:  Rewards for AR points.  Your child only needed 3 points this marking period.   Next marking period they will need 5 pts.

Kiaya and Kiri are working very hard on their writing.   Each wrote a wonderful story, wrote neatly, and needed very little underwriting from me.  Great job girls!

Centers are used while I am working at guided reading groups.  At guided reading on Fridays we play sight word games.  Yesterday each group chose to play sight word uno.

Catholic schools week is this week.  Tuesday is student appreciation day.   It is a dress down day and no homework day.  I will still send home guided reading.   But it is up to you whether or not you want to do it.

Please remember Thursday is no lunch.  Students can buy food at the mission bizarre.  Students don't need to come to school until 10:30!!

We are looking at a field trip for Feb 10th to watch a play.  We are trying to get a head count.  Please circle y/n on the paper taped to your child's folder or you can comment on this blog post a yes or no.  Either will work.

Thank you!

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